
A new platform for online sales

The challenge

A new platform for online sales

Customer: A major Swedish fashion group.

Mission: Create a new platform for online sales.

Information: The customer had chosen a platform to quickly roll out online sales to several markets. The platform was built from standard software and adapted by a large international consultancy company for every new market.

The customer wanted:

– To use the platform for long-term expansion.

– Continuously drive online sales.

– Grow online sales in existing and new markets.

The journey

A new platform for online sales

The customer received help with:

– Organising demand management

– Organising the processes that demand management deals with.

The result

A new platform for online sales

– We guided the work and orders to support the platform’s and the company’s future development.

– We changed the way the customer works with describing and ordering the platform. Thereby making it efficient and sustainable to support the needs of the business and online customers.

– It’s now easier to understand how the individual changes affect the platform as a whole and the business and online customers.

– Now it’s also easier to make sure that the change is in line with strategic goals.